What is the moisture content of our kiln dried logs?
Our kiln dried logs have a moisture content of between 8-12%. This is well below the 20% required by Woodsure.
How long are they?
All our logs are cut to 25cm (9 ¾”) lengths. Please note some logs will be +/- 10%.
What diameter are they?
The diameter of our logs is 5 -15cm (2 – 6”). Please allow for +/- 10%.

What Species of wood are your logs?
All our firewood is beech an energy dense hardwood with a good heat output.
How many logs do I need for Winter?
(Calculations are based on a 5 kWh stove with a 70% efficiency rating and heating season between 1st October and 28th February)
Occasional use (3 evenings a week burning for 3 hours):
1-2 m3 of loose logs
Every Evening (burning for 3 hours):
3-4m3 of loose logs
All day (Burning for 8 hours a day)
8-9m3 of loose logs
These are very rough guides. If you would like a more detailed estimation then please call one of our members of staff or send us an email and we would be happy to help.
How many kiln dried logs are in a bulk bag?
Bulk Bag 1.2m3 - Approximate 400 Logs
Bulk Bag 0.9m3 - Approximate 300 Logs
Barrow Bag 0.250m3 - Approximate 80 Logs
Net 0.03m3 - Approximate 10 logs
Energy density of wood?
All our logs are beech, so it makes it much easier to work out the calorific value of a cubic metre of our wood. We estimate that a solid m3 with no air gaps is equivalent to 2,450 kWH of energy. To work out the loose unstacked volume you divide by 2.5 which gives you 980 Kwh per m3.

What is the biggest log I can put into my log burner?
The logs you put into your wood-burner should be no bigger than half the size of the firebox. If bigger then it will obstruct the air and heat flow slowing down the rate of burning.
Do kiln dried logs smoke?
Yes, when our logs burn, they do create smoke. As they say there is no smoke without fire. Excuse the pun. This smoke is not excessive and once the fire gets up to temperature it should be minimal.
How to store Kiln Dried Logs?
Ideally kiln dried logs should be stored inside where it is warm and dry. There is no additional benefit by having them stored in a log store with good air flow. They are fully dried and ready to burn. That being said most people do not have room inside to store large quantities of kiln dried logs. In this case a wood store that keeps the rain off of them would be perfectly adequate. In essence you need to ensure that they are kept off of the ground where they could soak up moisture and are protected from the rain with a cover.
How are Logs Delivered?
Locally we deliver logs loose in our transit tipper van and in bulk bags on our 18T Crane Lorry. Outside of our local area we use the national pallet network so only bulk bags are available. For national deliveries we can only deliver to fairly flat hard standing drives as their pump trucks cannot operate on loose gravel, grass or steep inclines and declines. If you think you may have access issues, please give us a call and we can advise whether the delivery would be possible. For further information on our deliveries please visit: https://heritage-products.co.uk/pages/delivery-information.

What's the difference between kiln dried and seasoned/air dried wood?
Air dried logs (or seasoned) are naturally dried. This is achieved by protecting them from the rain and allowing good airflow to wick away the moisture. This process can take a year or two depending on the species to get the firewood to below the required 20% moisture content. We have found from past experience that when selling in bulk its is incredibly hard to get a consistent quality hence why we now solely sell kiln dried logs.
Kiln Dried logs are mechanically dried in a kiln which is usually an adapted shipping container attached to a boiler. The kiln blows hot air over the logs for 7 days reducing the moisture in the logs from 60-70% to around 8-12%. This ensures that logs can be mechanically dried to a consistent quality in an efficient manner to meet customer demand.
Are kiln dried logs suitable for pizza ovens?
Our logs are perfect for pizza ovens. Due to their low moisture content, they burn hot with very minimal smoke which ensures a perfectly cooked pizza. All our logs are beech which is a very dense hardwood so has a high calorific value helping you get that pizza oven to the required high temperatures needed.
How to light a fire?
We would recommend taking a bundle of kindling. To give you an idea it would be an amount you could fit into one hand. With this bundle you would form a pyramid in your log burner or open fire. leave a little gap so you can place a couple of flamers into the centre of the kindling tepee. Light the flamers with a match or lighter and then choose some smaller logs to place around the kindling. Once the kindling and smaller logs have taken and are burning away nicely. You can start to add bigger logs to keep the fire going for longer periods of time. If you would like a more in-depth explanation and a video demo please see this longer blog we wrote on the process https://heritage-products.co.uk/blogs/news/log-season-is-here.
Fire Safety Information?
Maintenance of your appliance and chimney.
If you are new to burning logs whether in an open fire or log burner, we would recommend you get the appliance inspected and cleaned to make sure it is safe. This would not be applicable for a new appliance you have just installed. Thereafter we would recommend having a regular 6 monthly chimney sweep and inspection; this should include the log burner itself if you have one installed.

Investing in Fire Safety Equipment
We would recommend our customers invest in the following items to protect themselves and their family should an accident occur:
- Fire extinguisher
- Smoke alarm which should be tested regularly as per manufacturer's instructions.
- Carbon Monoxide Alarm - Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is colourless, odourless & tasteless. The gas is released from incompletely burnt organic materials. If you have followed our maintenance advice then your appliance and chimney should be in good working order reducing the risk of your fuel being incompletely burnt. Even then some carbon monoxide will still be released up and out through your chimney. A carbon monoxide alarm is added protection that if excessive carbon monoxide is being released you would be given a warning and able to vacate the property saving lives.
How to Safely use your fire:
- Always burn kiln dried or air dried/seasoned logs with a moisture content of below 20%. A moisture meter will establish this. This prevents tar build up in your flue and chimney which can damage them and potentially cause a chimney fire.
- Do not leave your fire unattended.
- Do not stack logs around the fireplace as radiated heat can set fire to them.
- When disposing of ash make sure it is completely cold as these buckets have been known to combust and cause house fires.
- A fire-guard gives added protection for open fires or where you have children in the house.
- Use a pair of heat gloves and tongues when adding logs to the fire.
What does the Ready to Burn Logo mean?
Our logs have been certified as satisfactory for immediate use meaning our logs burn better due to a low moisture content of less than 20%. Ensuring we comply with new regulations to help reduce pollution and improve air quality. This involves sending off our logs for moisture content analysis and having an annual in person audit of our storage and quality control systems.
Why burning wet wood is bad?
Wet, green or unseasoned wood is classed as having a moisture content over 20%. Wood over this percentage must not be burnt and should instead be left to dry by naturally seasoning in a stack or mechanically dried in a kiln. Unseasoned wood when burnt is not able to fully combust. All these non-combustible gases and particles are released into the atmosphere causing air pollution and exasperating health issues. These gases also condense on the inside of your flue and chimney leaving a tar which if not regularly swept can build up and catch fire.